We now accept Online Booking requests for our Appointment and Technician Appointment Services.
Appointment slots open on a rolling basis two weeks in advance at 7:30am daily.
We recognize there is extreme demand for Mission Animal Hospital’s services and appointment times. These appointments book up quickly when they are released each morning at 7:30 am. Cancellations may occur and we encourage you to check back for openings if none are available at this time.
Please review the following information to ensure that you are scheduling appropriately:
Book Appointment Service to see a Veterinarian for care, such as the following:
Appointment Service is available for new and established clients of Mission Animal Hospital.
Annual Wellness Examinations,
Rabies vaccines
Recheck examinations as advised by a Mission veterinarian at a previous visit
Spay/Neuter or Dental Consult
Itchiness, ear infections or allergy consults
Lump checks
Mild diarrhea
Chronic or mild limping
Drinking or urinating more
Coughing (without concern for ability to breathe normally)
Book Technician Appointment Service if you've been advised by a Mission Veterinarian to seek follow up service with a Veterinary Technician, such as the following:
Technician Appointment Service is reserved for families with established care at Mission Animal Hospital.
Routine vaccines, not including rabies vaccines
Follow-up lab work
Post-operative suture removal or dental recheck
Chronic treatments (fluid administration, allergy or arthritis injections, etc.)
Anal Sac expressions, nail trims, etc.
Online Booking is NOT available for:
Emergent issues seeking immediate care. Please see our Walk-in Urgent Care* ​
Quality of Life Consult/Euthanasia
Parvovirus Treatment
Pets requiring sedation for their appointment
*Please call 952-938-1237 or email to schedule.